Tuesday, October 27, 2009


(all of them have become an affectionate nickname for you, heh!)
ACG loves you, very much! (:

Monday, October 26, 2009

God's Plan

Who Is Holding The Map?;
written by Carol.

But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul. Deut. 4:29 NIV

Have you ever wondered what God's plan is for you? Have you asked him? For the past couple of days the Lord has been speaking to my heart about the thing I am passionate about - finding God's plan for your life. Then I came across this verse in Deuteronomy this morning. It all came together.

So often we want to know what God has planned for us, and we pray and ask Him. But we forget to listen. We cry out, "Where are you God, and what is it that I'm supposed to be doing right now?" Then in our haste, we run out the door, on to our next activity. God was waiting with an answer, but we missed it.

Let's pretend for a moment. You decide you want to go on a trip with a good friend. You tell them to plan the trip down to the last detail, and you will drive. You are excited about where your friend will take you. You don't know what exciting stops there will be on the way, but you know it will be great. Your friend always plans the best trips!

You are ready to go and you get in the car. You crank the car and begin to drive. You ask your friend, who is with you, which way to go, but proceed to keep on talking and just turn the way you guess is right. You chat on about how great the trip in going to be, all the while never asking where you are going or which way to go. After a while, you realize that you have no clue where you are or how you got there. And you become angry. You shout at your friend, questioning why they didn't show you the right way.

Don't we do this to the Lord sometimes? We try so hard to make it on our own that we get lost. Then we cry out to our Father to show us the way back to the path. If we had only taken the time to listen to Him speak. If only we had put ourselves in His Word more often. His words were right there to guide us.

If we truly seek the Lord with all our heart and soul in looking for our path, we will find Him. Join me in searching for Him today.

Lord, help me to realize that your Word is a way for you to speak to me. When I ask and wait for an answer, your answers were written out for me long before I asked the question. Oh Father, thank you for taking one so unworthy as me and loving me anyway.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

"Why Pray?!"

Ha! "Why pray?"

Because Prayer is love, intimacy, restoration with God!
This also means that Prayer is not just about asking for provisions or protections but in union with God for His purpose accomplished in us!

"True whole prayer is nothing but love"
(Sir Augustine)

The true spirit of prayer does not consist in asking for blessings, but in receiving Him who is the giver of all blessings, and in living a life of fellowship with Him!
Therefore, true Prayer comes from the opening of our hearts to God, speaking to Him as our Father in perpetual communion.=D

FYI, radio astronomy involves the detection of stars and planets at a great distance by transmitted wave produced. What is fascinating about this science research is that it can reach farther than humans capacity in traveling into outer space. How scientist obtain their information from the outer space is through the radio wave which can not be comprehended on it's aptitude . Prayer is literally the same for we do not know how does God work wonders but we can only trust and believe!

Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.(Romans 10:17)

"Prayer is coming home"(Richard Foster)
1) Living room of His heart
2) Kitchen of His friendship
3)Dining room of His strength
4)Study of His wisdom
5)Workshop of His creativity
6)Bedroom of His intimacy

When we enter the "house", we must not hesitate to stay in one place only but to go around the house to gain what is needed for us to do greater exploits!

However, there are always obstacles to such divine revelation.
3 things which affect our prayer life:
1) Negative spirit(It's the spirit who cries out to God->Gal. 5:4)
2)Harden Conscience
3)Strongholds(Mindset impregnated with hopelessness)

*The key to opening the door is through surrendering to God's holiness!

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.(Mat.5:6)

"If we have 10% of unity, we have only 10% of anointing."(Carlos Annacondia)
We should pray corporately in unity as we rely on the same Creator!
Korea's largest church prays corporately, publicly and sometimes all night with their hearts desire~"I hear, I obey" .
Whatever the spirit prompts them to do, they obey and the result is obvious until today they are still praying strong!

"My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations"(Mark 11:7)

"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."(Mat.11:29-30)

Fasting?( No! Not for Malaysians...)
Jesus fasted many many times and it is because he wants to hear and feel God's "heart beat" louder. Fasting do help us in praying.Fasting changes us!(Isa. 58:6)It helps us to overcome temptation and set free the oppressed! You can try and you will be able to feel more of God's presence for humility is shown through our action.

In conclusion, it's by grace and through God's sovereign glory, we learn to pray and be transformed by His renewing power of the spirit which dwells in us. Start praying genuinely today.

In His service,
Wai Yip.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Getting lost in life.

written by Genny.

The other day, as I was driving home, I came upon a detour in the road. I followed the orange signs, winding around a neighborhood I wasn’t familiar with, only to end up a few minutes later in the same spot I’d started.

I shook my head, sure I’d done something wrong, and headed into the detour again.

And ended up in the same place again.

I couldn’t figure it out. Could detour signs really be wrong, or was it me?

I watched other cars and realized that some of them were turning left instead of right like the sign said.

So I followed those cars.

Within minutes, I came out on a little side street that pointed me in the right direction. Obviously, those people knew the neighborhood better than I did, and knew their way around the detour.

And that’s how it can be with life sometimes.

Sometimes, we set out on a path, following signs that will steer us in the wrong direction. Only we don’t know it yet. We may not even realize we’re on the wrong path until we’re already lost.

Yet, similar to those people who knew the neighborhood better than I did, there are always people who have walked the path we’re on before us. There are always others who’ve been where we are and know the way back.

Looking to these people—maybe a mentor or close friend—when we’re feeling lost, can make all the difference in finding our way again. And looking to God—who gives the best direction of all—will not only help us to find our way, it will keep us from taking a wrong turn in the first place.

“I have taught you the way of wisdom;
I have led you in the paths of uprightness.
When you walk, your step will not be hampered;
And if you run, you will not stumble.”
Proverbs 4:12-13

God’s path is filled with grace and wisdom and love. And when we turn to Him, He gladly leads us so that we won’t get lost.

If you’re not sure if you’re on the right path, or if you’re in a place where you’re feeling lost right now, turn to Him. And turn to the people He’s put in your life. You don’t have to navigate the detour alone.

And keep in mind: just like detours usually mean new roads are being built or old ones are being fixed, the detours in our lives can actually be the very things that set us on a new, better path.


What about you? Are you following signs that are pointing you in the wrong direction? Can you share a detour in your life that caused you to find a different path?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Bring It On!

PMR's on the roll and SPM's around the corner!
15 and 17 years old are freakin out
(and yeah i know we don't need any more reminders like this :P)
And i know the people who are not taking major exams at the moment are REALLY LOVELY INDIVIDUALS, please pray for us. We will keep you in our prayers as well, for your finals. (:

Thank you! And have a great week; .. Jesus loves you! HAHAHA :D

Friday, October 2, 2009

Attitude Adjustment

Hey guys, just wanna share a story with you that really made an impression on me because in really horrible situations, i think of the worse and get so frustrated. (: i hope that you'll take the time to read it because it's meaningful as well, and also that it'll give you something to think about.

written by Deb

"While my son and I were traveling to the Atlanta airport last week, I received a message from the airline telling me my flight had been cancelled. My mind raced to all of the reasons why that was completely unacceptable. I quickly called the airlines to see what could be done. An agent said, "If you can get here by 5:30PM, we can get you on a flight through Chicago and get you home tonight." Yeah!!

My dear son got focused on the task at hand, and I walked into the terminal with 60 seconds to spare. Whew! LOL.

Soon the aircraft arrived and the first group of passengers prepared to board. Oops! What a minute! The loud speaker came on and we were informed that there had been a problem with pressure in the cabin upon landing and maintenance would have to do a brief check before we could take off. To make a long story short, due to those mechanical difficulties the plane was unable to leave in time to make my connecting flight.

I was disappointed. It was an inconvenience to have to stay in Atlanta another night. It crowded my schedule for the week, I would miss a scheduled conference call, and my husband would have to reschedule several meetings in order to pick me up at the airport. Not to mention that it was the second anniversary of my husband's life saving surgery and I really wanted to give him a hug.

Following a needed attitude adjustment, I began to realize the ways the Lord was taking care of me. The earlier flight had been cancelled because of a weather delay, and in those situations passengers have to make their own arrangements. Because this flight had been grounded by mechanical problems, I was given a voucher for my night's lodging, dinner, and breakfast. My needs were well provided. My husband and I adjusted our schedules, and the best part was that I met several wonderful people - one whom I believe will become a friend.

The Lord turned a frustrating situation into a blessed adventure! Praise and Glory!! I actually enjoyed my evening of quiet. I spent some time writing and relaxing, and was reminded that the times I determine the order of things and fly into a frenzy when they don't follow my plans . . . I end up frantic and frustrated about things I can do nothing about. However, when I trust the Lord's ways, I am more prepared to recognize His higher purposes and the blessings found in the unexpected."

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:30-31